Saturday, January 24, 2009

figured out lost

the island is atlantis, which is also mu, which is also the garden of eden

this is the one key that unlocks literally everything

no one can find it because, well, it moves. it travels through time, because the others made a way to move the island using it's power source, which is maybe some magic rock from God or something. I don't know.
the dharma company found the island and instituted the code and button thing and the bases to vent the time travel power buildup at a mathematically designed rate. the island, by it's nature due to intelligent influence is capable of skipping through time, and the dharma initiative set up, hidden from most of the planet for most of history. the wheel controls it but so does the computer somehow. its science/magic. i dunno.

the island heals heals people because it's the garden of eden. it prevents births because adam and eve weren't meant to reproduce.
the hurley bird is some animal that lives on the garden of eden because, well, it's the garden.

the polar bears were being tested to see how they reacted to an incredibly innapropriate environment. the influence of the island allowed the bears to somehow adapt to tropical temperatures.
this is why the bears were there - they were being tested specifically by the company for their ability to adapt to a new environment.

the big foot statue is a statue of one of the inhabitants, who may have been either the angelic guardians of the garden of eden or people who somehow found the island and were altered by its effects. I think they are the others. Have we ever seen one of the ageless others with their shoes off?

people have been searching throughout time for the garden of eden/mu/atlantis/tree of life/fountain of youth, also know as "the island" which is why there is a boat and whatnot, and as its a travelling island, i mean, people are bound to crash into it, especially with all the magnet stuff.

religious stuff is because, well, it is the garden of eden. the visions are a result of that.

smoke monster sees your soul because it is supernatural. locke believed in the island, and that is why the monster was lovely to him.
it is the sword of jacob - the angel posted at the entrance to the garden of eden - given a flaming sword with which to punish interlopers.

it killed the pilot for reasons unknown - perhaps simply for trespassing
it killed eko because his death was warranted by a vengeful God.

abaddon is the devil or something. a demon maybe?

jacob is the angelic father of the original "others" - not nephilim but the reverse, angelic, not demonic - Ben and John are his prophets - both jewish names.
he ressurects those who've died to his service. Anna Lucia - perhaps even Walt died and were ressurected.

Also - the reason they want to go back, besides the quest, is because life, after living in eden, would suck. i hated life so much when i returned from 2 months in the forest because i hated civilization so much, i can not imagine the sorrow living in a fallen world would have caused me if i'd been in eden itself.

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