Saturday, February 7, 2009



Sunday, February 1, 2009



Saturday, January 24, 2009

figured out lost

the island is atlantis, which is also mu, which is also the garden of eden

this is the one key that unlocks literally everything

no one can find it because, well, it moves. it travels through time, because the others made a way to move the island using it's power source, which is maybe some magic rock from God or something. I don't know.
the dharma company found the island and instituted the code and button thing and the bases to vent the time travel power buildup at a mathematically designed rate. the island, by it's nature due to intelligent influence is capable of skipping through time, and the dharma initiative set up, hidden from most of the planet for most of history. the wheel controls it but so does the computer somehow. its science/magic. i dunno.

the island heals heals people because it's the garden of eden. it prevents births because adam and eve weren't meant to reproduce.
the hurley bird is some animal that lives on the garden of eden because, well, it's the garden.

the polar bears were being tested to see how they reacted to an incredibly innapropriate environment. the influence of the island allowed the bears to somehow adapt to tropical temperatures.
this is why the bears were there - they were being tested specifically by the company for their ability to adapt to a new environment.

the big foot statue is a statue of one of the inhabitants, who may have been either the angelic guardians of the garden of eden or people who somehow found the island and were altered by its effects. I think they are the others. Have we ever seen one of the ageless others with their shoes off?

people have been searching throughout time for the garden of eden/mu/atlantis/tree of life/fountain of youth, also know as "the island" which is why there is a boat and whatnot, and as its a travelling island, i mean, people are bound to crash into it, especially with all the magnet stuff.

religious stuff is because, well, it is the garden of eden. the visions are a result of that.

smoke monster sees your soul because it is supernatural. locke believed in the island, and that is why the monster was lovely to him.
it is the sword of jacob - the angel posted at the entrance to the garden of eden - given a flaming sword with which to punish interlopers.

it killed the pilot for reasons unknown - perhaps simply for trespassing
it killed eko because his death was warranted by a vengeful God.

abaddon is the devil or something. a demon maybe?

jacob is the angelic father of the original "others" - not nephilim but the reverse, angelic, not demonic - Ben and John are his prophets - both jewish names.
he ressurects those who've died to his service. Anna Lucia - perhaps even Walt died and were ressurected.

Also - the reason they want to go back, besides the quest, is because life, after living in eden, would suck. i hated life so much when i returned from 2 months in the forest because i hated civilization so much, i can not imagine the sorrow living in a fallen world would have caused me if i'd been in eden itself.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

dune, desert planet, arrakis

in my life i've read many books countless times, and reread countless books many times. the amount of rereading indicates the level of influenece the book holds over me - the romance between myself and the author, played out in glorious fiction or poetry.
in my life, the three books that have influenced my opinions the most are, in a lovely pie graph format available here:
oh yeah plug the mentat mark, plug the mentat.
anyways, however, despite the fact that the bible takes a greater slice of my life influences pie, dune has seduced me, been a keeper for my heart, and shattered my preconceptions as to what science, religion, politics, economy, science fiction and faith were, and the second moon of Arrakis, (make the sign of the fist!), cast my world, previously black in white my faith had bred in me, into a world of shadows. a world where i needed to walk without rythym, lest shai hulud come.
Dune, by Frank Herbert, is my one, true book. please, let me tell you why.
but first i must tell you one thing that if must take one things from what you are now investing your precious, God given, limited time to read, remember this:
a man's flesh is his own; the
water belongs to the tribe.
meditate on this.

do you see the truth in it?
let us carry on
the only real problem i have with dune, (beside the direction Franks fool of a son has taken it), is that when i get a chance to talk about it, and someone asks me what it's about, i'm at a loss for words.
those of who you are unfortunate to be burdaned with my presance that provides like a -1 enchantment of maybe homeless for the duration of the time spent in my party radiating for like a 2 meter bubble around me know that me, mark robert armstrong being flabbergasted by a simple question as "what is dune about?" will understand this must mean this is a complex thing.
and it truely is. I'll let Frank himself sum it up. This is from the introduction to heretics of dune, the 5th in the cannonical dune series:
"Dune was to be a story exploring the myth of the Messiah.
it was to produce another view of a human occupied planet as an energy machine.
it was to penetrate the interlocked workings of politcs and economics.
it was to be an examination of absolute prediction and its pitfals.
it was to have an awareness drug in it and tell what could happen through dependance on such a substance.
potable water was to be an analog for oil for water itself, a substance whose supply diminshes every day.
it was to be an ecological novel, then, with many overtones, as well as a story about people and their human concerns with human values, and i had to monitor each of these levels at every stage in the book.
there wasn't room in my head to think about much else."

and in my opinion he succeeded at every single level with every single goal he set out for himself, something that very few humans can ever claim.
Frank Herbert is one of my heroes, and his ideas, his philosohies, his soul has, through passion and wild uncontrollable genetic talent been mystically transformed into paper and ink - a testiment to him, a pillar that unlike ozymandias's dias, (badum tish), is not worn away by the ages, but renewd as each new edition is reprinted and as the passion burns in the chest of men and women who across the world dream of Shai H'ulud, and wish that they could live the simple life of desert honesty - to have the blue in blue eyes of the bled, to have true liberty to die and kill, to love and hate - to be a freman! to be an atriedies! to be a Atreides! to be a Bene Gesserit! and, for at least one young man, it bred a burning desire for data with which to compute! to be, glory to Jesus Christ my Lord - have mercy on me, a sinner, a mentat!
to understand our own humanity - the difference between man and animal, the most aweful and terrible of all Gods left handed gifts - awareness!

early in the novel, Paul, the young duke and our protagonist/christ/moses/elijah/buddha/mohammad/everyman/archetype is tested by the witches of the Bene Gesserit. His hand is placed inside a box, and through subtle machinations and manipulations of nerve endings he begins to feel a terrible and horrible pain. at his neck is the gom jabbar, the poisened blade weidled by the witch who here tests Pauls humanity. She explains, as Paul feels his flesh and bone crumble within a locust furnace -that an animal, a wolf or a unaware human, when put in this trap will pull out, gnaw off the limb, remove the hand from the box. however, these actions would result in their death - the wolf would bleed to death as it stumbed away, and Paul, if he were to remove his hand, would be instantly killed by the needle resting hungry on his flesh.

Paul repeats the litany against fear, taught to him by his mother, also a witch, (who bore the Duke Leto a son agaisnt orders), which i and some who are dear to me, and many whom i've never met:

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

and thus Paul sustains, ignores pain for the illusion it is, and manages to maintain composure as the reverand mother applies, (as we later find out), a degree of pain higher then any other human has ever withstood.

Paul dreams of the future and fears becoming lost in it and such is the curse of man!
too forever gaze at pasts that are unalterable and lost with one eye, and futures forever unwritten with the other and ignore the middle path with that keeps focused on the now.
and that is my new philsophy.
this is the new year - i am living for it. i am living for now. i am living in nature, as an animal with awareness, with a soul. i love my God, my family, and my friends. i long for a simple life and i will have it. i have spent my whole life gathering data and produced the following computation.

most things suck. most people suck. a good portion of life will be a miasma of horror from which you will desperately try to survive but your patterns will cause you to stumble, and Grand Father Worm is hungry, and like Sheol he is never satisfied. Your habits will trap you and he will devour you. and you will repeat the process over and over.
I have been doing this for almost two decades.
about one third of my productive life.
maybe a quarter.
but that is a lot.
and i am tired of being negative, and by being so well versed in the terrible realities of a world utterly fallen from grace, reduced from a paradise to a desert planet.
i dedicate myself to being positive. my vast awareness of things that are terrible gives me a unique perspective on the world and one through which i'm finding that everything is the best thing is the world. every breath is a gift. every woman is the most beatiful woman in the world. every kiss is the first and the last and the best. every word written is just right. every piece is slowly falling into place and i stand back, cross my arms and see both the forest and the trees and realize - it is by will alone that i set my mind in motion.

So that brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers, cousins - friends all - is what dune is about.
dune is about changing your life.
dune is about life.
dune has stood the test of time, and if nothing else, simply is.
the faithful know that God created dune to train the faithful - and that arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife — chopping off what's incomplete and saying: "Now it's complete because it's ended here."

But most importantly teachers, students all, this:
a man's flesh is his own; the water belongs to the tribe.
meditate on these things, my children, and call me, email me, pester me through facebook. we will all die someday, so let's be friends now.
i love you. goodnight.

edit this nicole i guess
i am going to write a series about different dune rants
about his boy